Tenses in detail with examples.

 There are twelve tenses in English language, divided into four categories:

  1. Simple Tenses
  2. Progressive Tenses
  3. Perfect Tenses
  4. Perfect Progressive Tenses

Here is a detailed explanation of each tense with examples:

  1. Simple Present Tense This tense is used to describe an action or a fact that is true now or always true. Example:
  • I play basketball every day.
  • Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
  1. Simple Past Tense This tense is used to describe an action or an event that happened in the past and is now finished. Example:
  • I played basketball yesterday.
  • She lived in Paris for two years.
  1. Simple Future Tense This tense is used to describe an action that will happen in the future. Example:
  • I will play basketball tomorrow.
  • She will graduate next year.
  1. Present Progressive Tense This tense is used to describe an action that is happening right now. Example:
  • I am playing basketball at the moment.
  • She is studying for her exams.
  1. Past Progressive Tense This tense is used to describe an action that was happening at a specific point in the past. Example:
  • I was playing basketball when it started to rain.
  • She was studying when her friends called.
  1. Future Progressive Tense This tense is used to describe an action that will be happening at a specific point in the future. Example:
  • I will be playing basketball at 4 PM tomorrow.
  • She will be studying when her parents arrive.
  1. Present Perfect Tense This tense is used to describe an action that happened in the past but has a connection to the present. Example:
  • I have played basketball for five years.
  • She has lived in New York since 2010.
  1. Past Perfect Tense This tense is used to describe an action that happened before another action in the past. Example:
  • I had played basketball before I injured my ankle.
  • She had finished her homework before she went to bed.
  1. Future Perfect Tense This tense is used to describe an action that will be completed before a specific point in the future. Example:
  • I will have played basketball for ten years by next year.
  • She will have finished her degree by the time she turns 25.
  1. Present Perfect Progressive Tense This tense is used to describe an action that started in the past and is still happening now. Example:
  • I have been playing basketball for two hours.
  • She has been studying for three hours.
  1. Past Perfect Progressive Tense This tense is used to describe an action that started and ended before another action in the past. Example:
  • I had been playing basketball for an hour when it started to rain.
  • She had been studying for two hours when her friends called.
  1. Future Perfect Progressive Tense This tense is used to describe an action that will continue up to a specific point in the future. Example:
  • I will have been playing basketball for five hours by the time the game ends.
  • She will have been studying for four hours by the time her parents arrive.

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